Chef Faisal Ahmed Aldeleigan: Learn the Basics of Marketing from Celebrity Chef Faisal

Getting the know-how of a field from an expert is what you need, to excel at your work.

For some, their destinations decide what they are actually & how they have achieved success in life; while for some, it is all about the journey. Chef Faisal’s journey has also been one hell of a ride till now for his tough decisions he took in life & the way he reached the top in the food business & became a celebrity chef. He is a prominent name today in the businesses related to food as he successfully has carved a name as an entrepreneur as well with his firm Chef Faisal Consultancy. He is also a member of the World Master Chefs Society & with his consultancy services trains many chefs under him in KSA & Bahrain.

Chef Faisal draws out a few important marketing lessons that he has learnt in his journey & wants it to share with others aspiring to be a part of this business.

  • Listen to what your customers want: If you wish to excel as a chef or excel your restaurant, you must first listen to what your customers want, says Chef Faisal. You need to go to them directly to know their views of your dishes, the good & the bad both. Make use of social media sites for surveys & ask them about their experience with your food.
  • Create your supporters: Chef Faisal suggests reaching out to more people in the community much ahead of launching your new food business or campaign. You can connect with influencers for this & they can market your work efficiently making the process easier for you.

  • Give away your recipes to your audience: Today, people are more interested in trying the same recipe of the dish they had at a restaurant. Gone are the days when chefs used to hide their recipes. Customers need people who are open about sharing their methods & recipes with others, believes Chef Faisal. The trend is to give away your secret recipes & build stronger relations with your audience.

  • Be different: To create a name for yourself in a crowded marketplace, always aim to offer something unique to your customers, recommends Chef Faisal. With the different styled recipes & services at your restaurants, you can connect with your customer through your journey, life story, personality, etc.

  • Passion is everything: Love what you do & only this will help you connect deeply with your customers, points out Chef Faisal. When you are truly passionate about your work, it shows & this sends out a sign of genuineness too amongst people about your work & business.

Chef Faisal’s journey started with a corporate job at hand, which already paid him very well, but life took him directly to the world of food. His passion truly transformed him into an entrepreneur who is today successfully helping other establishments with his guidance. With over 100 consultancies in Saudi Arabia & Bahrain, he supports them with menu engineering & training chefs, etc. & is also helping them carve a journey for themselves.

Follow Chef Faisal Ahmed Aldeleigan on Instagram @Cheffaisalco