UK government’s ‘toothless policies’ neglecting to secure nature

These regions are regularly inadequately overseen, say the MPs, and past proposals on the most proficient method to further develop them have not been taken up.

The MPs are additionally requiring a prohibition on peat items to be presented, alongside the expulsion of any appropriations that hurt nature.

“Although there are countless government policies and targets to ‘leave the environment in a better state than we found it’, too often they are grandiose statements lacking teeth and devoid of effective delivery mechanisms,” said the EAC chair, Philip Dunne MP.

“We have no doubt that the ambition is there, but a poorly-mixed cocktail of ambitious targets, superficial strategies, funding cuts and lack of expertise is making any tangible progress incredibly challenging.”

The committee says that all government departments must consistently factor nature into their policy decisions.

Without effective policies, the report says that “nature will continue to decline and the next generation will inherit a more depleted, damaged natural environment”.