Denver Plastic Surgery Filters Deleted; Jen Aniston Breaks Record

Instagram users should be aware that the landscape of their favorite social media platform is about to change. In a recent statement made on their Facebook page, a third party company responsible for designing many of Instagram’s filters has changed the game somewhat. Whereas users and designers are used to a certain amount of freedom in filters, the rules seem to have changed somewhat, as Spark AR announced that they would be removing filters associated with plastic surgery, as well as postponing approval for any new filters on Instagram. This might come as quite a shock to fans of plastic surgery-themed filters like “Bad Botox,” “Plastica,” and “Fix Me.” It might also come as a surprise to people like the best plastic surgeon of Denver, whose Instagram profile and others like it may be targeted next.

Changes Come Amidst Updates to Spark AR’s ‘Wellness Policy’

Spark AR didn’t spell out exactly why they were removing plastic surgery-related content. However, they did say that their decision was in line with their updated policies surrounding wellness. While this leaves users somewhat in the dark, it definitely gives the impression that Instagram doesn’t view plastic surgery related content as being wholesome or positive in nature. This could spell trouble for the numerous plastic surgery-themed profiles which litter Instagram as a whole. Both professional and amateur profiles could experience less likelihood of being featured on the discovery page of Instagram. If you’re the best plastic surgeon of Denver, then you might be annoyed by IG’s apparent discrimination.

Jennifer Aniston Gains Guinness World Record

While plastic surgeons everywhere are lamenting the likelihood of losing page prioritization on Instagram, other pages are experiencing fan surges. Jennifer Aniston held off on making a profile on the platform for a long time, for whatever reason. However, she quickly amassed quite a following on the page, gaining over one million followers in six hours. Now, she’s sitting at a pretty 20 million, and is gaining more quite rapidly. Her celebrity friends have been lightly trolling her surrounding her content, which so far is a mix between modern glamor pics and throwback images of Jen during her Friends days.

Things are quite different on IG if you’re the best plastic surgeon of Denver. Your content might not be enjoying the same levels of promotion as celebrities like Jennifer Aniston. Spark AR needs to clarify their position on plastic surgery filters. Right now, it seems that cosmetic procedures are seen as negative or not altogether wholesome. This could possibly affect the wellness of IG users who have undergone procedures. To see your favorite filter or even a filter you designed get deleted for having to do with plastic surgery … it’s a questionable decision by Spark AR, to say the least.