Research indicates that dancing is a useful fat-loss method for overweight and obese individuals

According to a recent study, dancing is a substantial change in body composition and morphology and an effective fat loss strategy for those who are overweight or obese.

The effects of dance treatments on body composition in overweight and obese people were compared to normal lifestyles or other physical activities in ten randomised controlled trials that were examined in the study that was published in the journal PLOS ONE.

In comparison with the control group, they found that dancing dramatically decreased body mass, body mass index, waist circumference, body fat percentage, and fat mass.

On the other hand, the waist-to-hip ratio—a gauge of core fat distribution—was unaffected by dancing.

The researchers also found that dancing can improve an individual’s social, emotional, and physical well-being when they are overweight or obese.

“Growing evidence indicates that the benefits stemming from dance are in both physical and mental dimensions, and these advantages are not limited to specific people. Compared to the non-exercise group, dance can ease blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, physical fitness, cognitive disorders, and mental health,” they stated that.

The study also examined variables including age, dancing style, comparison group, and length of intervention that may affect how successful dance therapies are.

It was discovered that dancing was more beneficial for younger people (less than 45), groups with regular lifestyles, innovative dance styles, and interventions that lasted longer than three months.

A few of the study’s shortcomings were noted by the researchers, such as the variety of dance styles, the majority of female participants, and the dearth of information regarding dancing adherence and enjoyment.