Sega Has Celebrate Sonic’s 30th Anniversary With New Games, Major Announcements And More

The blue blur is preparing for a major year

One year from now is Sonic’s 30th commemoration and Sega has recently disclosed to us it is very brave news it can hardly wait to share.

While they are despite everything looking out for a legitimate update, it appears to be a newfound commercial for speculators highlighted in Licensing Source Book Europe has lifted the top on what precisely we can expect in 2021 (much appreciated, Tails’ Channel). As per the portrayal, it’ll be “a year of celebration” covering new games, declarations and that’s just the beginning:

30th Anniversary, 2021: A year of celebration – new games, digital content, events, major announcements and a tailored licensing programme.

Back in June, Sega of America said it was all the while attempting to turn out to be the way to share certain Sonic declarations, which were booked to occur at the current year’s SXSW, and guaranteed there would be declarations later on.